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In The Media | NightLift - Part 6


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the ORIGINAL bra and lingerie COLLECTION specifically DESIGNED to PROTECT your BREASTS while you SLEEP

Archive | In The Media

NightLift Featured in Yahoo Travel

By Elycia Rubin for Yahoo Travel Battling traffic for an early morning departure. Enduring coughing and sniffling crowds of weary travelers. Waiting forever at security. Delays… Air travel has been known to create a bit of stress, with our skin and hair taking quite a beating. Moisture-zapping cabin pressure anyone? Fortunately there’s something to look […]

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NightLift’s TV Debut on Arise Entertainment 360

NightLift‬ had it’s first television debut! Expert plastic surgeon and innovative mastermind behind the NightLift collection, Dr. Randall Hawowrth was featured on BET with Arise Entertainment 360 to talk about what the NightLift can do to protect your breasts! You can watch the full interview with Dr. Haworth below or find it here on YouTube! ‪ #protectyourbreasts #‎wearnightlift‬

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